Our School » School History

School History

McKinley Avenue School was built in 1925. It is located in the urban area of South Los Angeles in the Florence-Graham community.
McKinley Avenue is in the 90001 zip code which has a population of 58,773 with a very high density at 16,780 people per square mile. The people in the area are 85% Latino & 9% African American.
Educational attainment in the area around McKinley are below state averages. Of the population over the age of 25, 42% have a high school degree, 5% have a bachelor's degree, 0.6% have a graduate or professional degree and 10% are unemployed.
Economic levels in the area around McKinley are below state averages. The Average Adjusted Gross is $25,197.30% of residents have an income below the poverty level and 18% of residents have an income below 50% of the poverty level.